Holy Baptism
What is baptism and who can be baptized?
Baptism at St. George’s Anglican Church lies in the footsteps of an ancient ceremony at which a person commits formally to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It is the human response to God’s call to us. That said, it does not suggest that God only loves those who have been baptized. We believe that God loves us unconditionally.
We offer baptism to both adults and children. However, baptism is a serious commitment, at which the ‘baptismal candidate’ must make a series of promises to: 1) continue coming to church and to pray; 2) lead an honest and loving life; 3) Respect other people, whoever they are; 4) Care for God’s Creation
You can find details about baptism for yourself or your child in a brochure Baptism at St. George’s. You can read this online or download it in pdf format.
What about godparents?
Godparents (usually called ‘sponsors’ these days) offer spiritual support and reassurance to the new Christian as he or she struggles when it is hard to be that ‘perfect Christian’ – which none of us are! Most people choose two friends or relatives as sponsors. The sponsors commit themselves to act as mentors by saying the same promises as the candidate (or, for children, the candidate’s parents).
What must I do to be a sponsor?
All sponsors must themselves be baptized Christians – but not necessarily Anglicans. We accept all baptisms as valid. You do not have to have a second baptism if you are already a baptized member of another Christian denomination.
When can I arrange baptism at St. George’s for myself or my child?
Baptism welcomes the candidate into the community of followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the normal occasion for baptism is the Sunday church service. There are rare circumstances when it is necessary to choose a different occasion – usually when an important family member is only available at a particular time.
There is no charge for baptism at St. George’s.
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